On Saturday, May 18 from 1:00 – 8:00 PM, the New River Conservancy and the Old Store at Grassy Creek, along with sponsors and partners, present the 2nd Annual Saved by a Salamander,(SBaS) an event that celebrates the hellbender that purportedly was one of the ecological linchpins to the approval of, and subsequent status of “Wild and Scenic River” in North Carolina. This designation saved the town of Grassy Creek from inundation by the proposed dams.
This year, those that were part of the fight or living in the region are asked to share their dam fight story. Did you write letters from your classroom? Did your parents talk about it at the dinner table? Did you join the fight in some way – paint rocks, go to Washington, write letters during school or at home? Tell us your story, or bring your memorabilia to the Saved by a Salamander event. We’ll have tables available for photo albums and scrapbooks and a place for you to share your stories of the dams of the Blue Ridge Project. You can also fill out this form to tell your story.
New River Conservancy Executive Director, Elizabeth Underwood, says, “This event is very important to our local community, as well as throughout the New River Watershed, as it celebrates the resilience and determination of a small group of people who came together to change the course of history for the betterment of the planet. Margaret Mead said it perfectly: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed individuals can change the world. In fact, it’s the only thing that ever has.” This is how the New River Conservancy began. ”
The weekend begins with a special dinner on Friday night at River House Inn and Restaurant on the banks of the New River in Grassy Creek, North Carolina. River House is renowned for it’s elegant but unpretentious ambiance and delectable food. River House is the first choice for fine dining in the Ashe County High Country area. A unique menu will compliment the signature cocktail for the dinner A silent auction of artwork donated by local artist Scott Balland will complete the evening. DINNER IS SOLD OUT
Saved by a Salamander Day is a family friendly day of events that not only share the story of the New River, but teach us about conservation efforts that will help us enjoy the New River and its wonderful wildlife for years to come.
From 1:00 to 5:00 PM SBaS will host an afternoon of fun and education with multiple vendors, speakers, and demonstrations. Some activities for kids of all ages include painting rocks, testing water, and the Operation River game. In addition, food trucks and refreshments will be available with a new Bier Garden serving amazing local brews and beverages, plus Boondocks (West Jefferson, NC) and Frosty Monkey (Independence, VA) food trucks will be onsite with some delicious dinner and treats. To round out the day, the Jeff Little Trio will perform live from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
SBaS is pleased to announce the schedule for the day, to include speakers such as Janet and Hardin Halsey, who were part of the citizens’ effort to block the damming of the New River by the Appalachian Power Company during the energy crisis of the 1970s, traveling to Washington DC to lobby legislators as members of The National Committee for the New River.
President Gerald R. Ford signs into law 26.5 miles of the New River in North Carolina to be designated as part of the National Wild and Scenic River System. Janet Halsey, who will be speaking at the SBaS event, is the only woman in the photograph. September 11, 1976
In addition to these events there will also be booths with activities for kids of all ages including painting rocks, testing water, and the Operation River game. In addition, food trucks and refreshments will be available. To round out the day, the Jeff Little Trio will perform live from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Be sure to bring a lawn chair and toe-tapping shoes.
Schedule of events:
1:00 – 2:00 Water Health, Riparian Buffers & River Builders: Take a walk along Grassy Creek (a tributary of the New River) with the New River Water Watchers. Also hear about the vital importance of riparian buffers zones to water health. Joe Johnson from Foggy Mountain Nursery will talk about the New River Conservancy River Builder program and showcase the riparian buffer zone he planted along Grassy Creek through a partnership between the River Builder program and Hart-T-Tree Farms.
2:00 – 3:00 All About the Hellbender with River Girl Fishing Company owner, Kelly McCoy: Learn all about the famous Hellbender salamander, the largest amphibians in the country, with some reaching 29in in length.
3:00 – 4:00 Counting Critters: Macroinvertebrates with Dr. Tuberty: Dr. Shea Tuberty from Appalachian State University will lead us in a hands-on workshop to count macroinvertebrates in Grassy Creek, a tributary of the New River
4:00 – 5:00 The Fight to Save the New with Janet and Hardin Halsey: Janet and Hardin Halsey were part of the citizens’ effort to block the damming of the New River by the Appalachian Power Company during the energy crisis of the 1970s
5:00 – 7:00 New this year! Bier Garden & Food Trucks ~ Join us in the Bier Garden and enjoy some amazing local brews and beverages. Boondocks from West Jefferson, NC and Frosty Monkey from Independence, VA food trucks will be onsite with some delicious dinner and treats.
5:30 – 7:00 The Jeff Little Trio: Back for the second year in a row, Jeff Little is an award-winning musician from the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. Performances include The Smithsonian Institution, The National Folk Festival, American Piano Masters, The Barns of Wolf Trap and many theatres, performing arts centers, and festivals. Bring your lawn chairs and enjoy this free show.
Saved By a Salamander Day is a fundraiser for New River Conservancy, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All donations are tax deductible. For more information, please contact Lisa Stansell-Galitz at lisa@newriverconservancy.org
Polly Jones shared her story of the Blue Ridge Project dam fight at SBaS 2023. From L-R: Carrie McClain: founder of SBaS and co-owner of the Old Store and Hart T Farms, Polly Jones: Original Secretary of the National Committee for the New River, Elizabeth Underwood:Executive Director New River Conservancy and Kelly McCoy from River Girl Fishing Co.