Annual Walk the Peak Creek Clean Up

Annual Walk the Peak Creek Clean Up

Our annual walk the creek with Friends of Peak Creek found ten of us wading from Duncan Bridge to Heritage Park in Pulaski, Virginia to remove trash and debris from the creek before it flowed into Claytor Lake and the New River.

Peak Creek has a drainage area of over 60 square miles and meanders over 26 miles from its source in Jefferson National Forest into Claytor Lake. Gatewood Dam was completed in 1958 on Peak Creek in Pulaski County west of the Town of Pulaski resulting in Gatewood Reservoir, a 162 water-acre water supply impoundment owned by the Town.

The creek flows through forest, farmland, and urban areas and eventually goes into Claytor Lake which is a major component of the New River. Flowing north, the New River ultimately enters the Kanawa Watershed in northern West Virginia and Southern Ohio. What happens to and in Peak Creek in our part of the world affects a far greater area than can be imagined.%title - 451481710 889226169915212 7437176430941682713 n%title - 451276742 889226153248547 6159592197348260033 n