New River Conservancy, (NRC) recently held a “Listening Lunch,” at the Carroll County Public Library , in order to connect with partner organizations in the New River Watershed.
Representatives from partner organizations attending included Love Carroll County, Virginia , Friends of New River Trail, Carroll County Creative Arts Center, Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources, New River Soil & Water Conservation District, Carroll County Rotary Clubs – District 7620, Carroll County, Virginia, New River Wildlife and Conservation Club Inc, Friends of the Blue Ridge, Preserve Grayson, New River Outdoor Adventures and the Carroll County Litter Task Force. Our delicious lunch was made by Toasters Deli
Executive Director for NRC says “With a mission to protect the water, woodlands and wildlife of the New River Watershed, NRC welcomes collaboration with organizations throughout the watershed whose missions align with ours. It is a pleasure to be in partnership with like minded organizations who are willing to do the work this takes.” During the lunch, discussion was held about litter cleanups on the roads, New River Trail trestles work, river clean ups and more. Underwood presented a short slide show on the history of, and future projects for NRC.
NRC will be planning future New River clean ups with outfitters and organizations along the New River for the upcoming season. Fill out our Volunteer Form to help. Special thanks go to Brooke Love, Tourism Director for Carroll County, and the Carroll County Public Library for helping to facilitate this event.
Executive Director of NRC, Elizabeth Underwood, presents a slide show on NRC.