John Copeland, our Water Quality Manager, trained two new New River Water Watchers and re-certified three existing ones. Water Watcher training and recertification in the Town of Pulaski facilitated by Friends Of Peak Creek,Inc. We are grateful to Christ Episcopal Church for allowing continued use of their parish hall for our trainings in Pulaski.
Volunteer Nate Repass was recently certified to be a Water Watcher and will monitor Tract Fork in Pulaski, VA
New River Water Watchers (NRWW) relies on volunteers who are trained and re-certified annually to observe, collect, and report water quality data. Each volunteer is supplied with sampling kits and equipment for the collection of data throughout the year. NRWW operates under state approved quality control and assurance plans (also known as QAPPs, or Quality Assurance Project Plans) approved in both NC and VA. Water sample results are entered into the NRC’s database and submitted to state agencies.
NRC hosts a website and in the near future will share the data publicly with the monitored sites displayed on a map with the data available in a graph format. To date, NRWW has trained over 100 volunteer monitors and collected data from over 80 sites throughout the watershed.
Want to help, but can’t get in the field? Donate to help sponsor a Water Watcher today.
John Copeland, our Water Quality Manager, drops a bucket from the Washington Avenue Bridge to retrieve sampling water for training usage from Peak Creek.