Restoration — that’s our love language.

Naked Creek, NC, after restoration

Restoration is one of our most challenging yet satisfying missions. Addressing eroded riverbanks and ridding the New River of threats to water quality is meaningful, hands-on work — the kind of work that makes a tremendous difference for the river we all love. But we can’t do it without help from others who share our appreciation for the New River. Whether we’re building up a critical buffer or clearing the river and its watershed of litter and debris, we invite you to join us as a donor or volunteer. Take a look at our collective impact by the numbers and partner with the New River Conservancy so that we can cover more ground, more quickly and more thoroughly than ever before.

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River Restoration

These projects are the primary focus of our funding. Your donation plants trees to hold the riverbank together, educates the community, and empowers our volunteers to take action to protect the New!

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Through our Riverbuilder program, we’ve planted more than 850,000 trees and shrubs on 100 miles of river, and in the process, worked with 450 different landowners who share our mission to plant buffers that serve as last lines of defense for water quality.

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River Cleanups

Since 2001, we’ve had over 7,000 volunteers help clean over 1000 river miles of the New River throughout the entire watershed.

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New River Clean Water Alliance

The New River Clean Water Alliance is a coalition of like-minded organizations, government agencies, nonprofits and watershed groups dedicated to protecting water quality in the New River Gorge.

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