When the New River’s strength and health is at stake, our hands are here to build it back up.

Through our River Builder program, we’ve planted more than 850,000 trees and shrubs on 100 miles of streams within the New River watershed in North Carolina & Virginia, and in the process, worked with 350 different landowners who share our mission to plant buffers that serve as last lines of defense for water quality.

Our River Builder Program offers three main services:


New River Conservancy makes site visits to assess the streambank and consult with the landowner about available restoration options. We always follow up to ensure that the landowner has the information necessary to move forward.

Riparian Buffer Restoration

If the site is determined to be a good candidate for the River Builder program, preparations for the next planting season begin; River Builder will supplement the cost to restore the riparian buffer with native plant material while the landowner manages and funds the remaining cost of the project.

Educational Workshops

We offer Riparian Restoration Workshops to educate the public on  watershed topics and restoration techniques

Workshops begin with classroom time to discuss hydrology, restoration techniques, and answer questions. Workshop attendees then get to put theory to practice by going outside to learn how to install livestakes on a streambank.

Interactive Site Map

Click on the button below to view our interactive map of River Builder sites throughout North Carolina. (Stay tuned, Virginia is coming soon.)  Working on stream and river banks, as well as wetlands, we create healthy and stable riparian buffers in order to reduce erosion, filter storm water runoff, and provide habitat for local wildlife.



New River Conservancy Riverbuilder Program

Are you interested in River Building?

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