Meet Jeannette Pozo Valdes

Database Coordinator

In 2022, Jeannette decided to come out of retirement and join the staff at New River Conservancy and now works as the Database Coordinator for the NRC. Prior to joining the staff at New River Conservancy, Jeannette retired from a 34-year career in federal law enforcement with the United States Customs Service, where she was awarded the United States Customs Ensign. A great honor, the “Ensign” is the U. S. Customs Service Flag, which is flown over the United States Capital in honor of an employee who has retired with an exemplary career and has served the agency with honor.

Jeannette is a native Floridian, born and raised in Miami. In 2017, Jeannette and her husband purchased a vacation home in Ashe County with plans to move up after her retirement. They made their permanent move to North Carolina in 2020 and they are enjoying the mountain life. Jeannette takes great pride in the work she does with the NRC, describing it as “an important and vital organization.”


B.S. in Early Childhood Education, Nova Southeastern University